the prosperity company

Prosperity Group


Investing together in a sustainable future.

For a better future

For the prosperity company, the prosperity and financial security of our customers comes first. Prosperity in the future means that we make provisions today for tomorrow. That’s sustainability. However, our natural world and environment must also be protected and safeguarded for a better future. This is why we want to invest together with our customers in their financial security and a healthy environment for us all at the same time.

Sustainability means change and the courage to shape our future positively and take responsibility. Our financial security is not enough to create a better world for ourselves and our children. We need a world that can demonstrate a considerate use of natural resources, that offers both us and our children clean air with unspoiled nature. With sustainable pension plan products, we’re taking the first step towards a sustainable future together in step with our customers.

Let’s invest now in our pension plan and our prosperity – and do it sustainably.

Our Actions

Our group of companies actively pursues the goal of operating in a CO2-neutral manner.

We’ve reduced business travel by switching to even more digital conferences

Sustainable management thanks to focusing our corporate strategy on sustainable development

We’ve contributed to reforestation in the tropics together with our partner Treemate

We’ve expanded the green product range for pension plan and provision for prosperity

We offer a wide portfolio of ESG-compliant funds

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report 2022 - click to view

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the prosperity company AG
Feldkircher Strasse 31
9494 Schaan
+423 340 03